Our teams are well versed with issues effecting both Foreign and Indian businesses, the teams are continuously engaged in upgrading skills thereby offering comprehensive, efficient and pragmatic tax strategies. These assignments are monitored by a Partner or a Director and adequate care is taken to ensure a high level of skill and experience.
Our teams provide complete handholding in preparation for a tax enquiry, investigation or appellate matter and are your business partners in dealing with regulatory authorities. Transfer pricing professionals provide effective guidance to your finance teams in maintaining country files and support you in defending the same.
- Planning and Advisory – We offer tax planning for optimising the overall tax structure, reviewing business transactions and assisting with contract structuring, risk analysis and mitigation strategy viz. change in ownership / shareholding pattern, secondment arrangements, complex contracts etc.
- International Taxation – We provide specialised services on international aspects of tax laws and international tax treaties and possess expertise in international taxation and in handling transnational company affairs.
- Transfer Pricing – We assist in devising the appropriate transfer pricing strategy, while balancing opportunity and risk management, weighing effective tax-rate optimizations against fiscal-authority challenges and the costs of compliance.
- Expatriate Taxation – We specialize in expatriate tax matters, right from planning a compensation package and providing legal framework to the filing of the expatriate employee tax return.
- Indirect Taxation – We provide advisory services to our clients in the field of indirect taxes specifically GST.
- Representations – We represent our clients before tax and appellate authorities. We also assist in obtaining lowered ‘Tax Withholding Applications’, ‘No Objection’ and Income tax clearance certificates.